
12.24-25 Tue.-Wed.

Christams Party @Space Plus



Christmas is coming soon, and it is the most exciting moment in winter. Every corner is filled with the warm atmosphere of Christmas. Christmas trees are full of streets. Stores are full of little surprises. Santa Claus’ always busy at sending gifts. 


Friends gather together, Christmas hats on, participating in Christmas parties, sending Christmas cards, exchanging gifts are the biggest feature of this holiday.

这个圣诞节,上海Space Plus摇身一变,成为魔都地区必打卡的欧式圣诞城堡,灯影辉煌、温馨笼罩。

This Christmas, Shanghai Space Plus has transformed into a European-style Christmas castle with brilliant and warm lights that must be the most expectable scene in Shanghai. 


Do you look forward to the most iconic Christmas tree during Christmas? Warmth is the main, and passion is the second. It will give you the romance and warmth you deserve in winter.


With a large Christmas mural and sending you a playful signal by the giant Santa Claus, Space Plus is full of interesting artistic installations. The visual impact brought by this party is definitely expected. Let’s embark on a wonderful journey for Christmas.

圣诞打卡拍照橱窗。传统的圣诞总是让人难以割舍,为此Space Plus专门为你准备了圣诞老人套房,让你体会原汁原味的圣诞。

And there are two large Christmas murals for photos inside. Traditional Christmas is attractive, people always wish it last longer, so Space Plus has specially prepared a Santa suite for you to experience the original Christmas.


Pink always makes you feel warm! So we created a pink Christmas ocean for you. This is gonna be another wonderful Christmas!


Party is going for two consecutive days! There will be a limited exclusive Christmas packages for each table! Dancing and music will sublimate the warmth into passion, coldness outside the window, but you are under the lights bursting with passion. 

你想在星光斑斓中和Space Plus一起度过今年圣诞节吗?又是一年末尾,你又有什么新年愿望呢?来圣诞树前许个愿,我们一起期待美梦成真!就像歌词里说的:“So if you really love Christmas,C’mon and let it snow!”

Do you want to spend Christmas this year with Space Plus? It’s the end of the year again. What new year wishes do you have? Make a wish in front of the Christmas tree, let’s look forward to the dream come true!

12.24-25 Tue.-Wed.

Christams Party @Space Plus



 Free Entry 

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