
11.22 FRI. 

Afrojack @Space Plus


他是世界电子音乐先锋,2011年格莱美获得者。连续十年DJ MAG Top 100 DJs老常客,2011年时就登上第7的位置,并连续十年保持前20名,在今年最新的排行榜中排名第9。他也是Lady GaGa、Rihanna等国际流行大咖争相合作的DJ。他的专属头衔,数不胜数。

He is electronic music pioneer, Grammy winner of 2011 who has been ranking the DJ MAG Top 100 DJs for 10 years. In 2011, it was ranked 7th, and he has remained in the top 20 for 10 consecutive years. He ranked 9th this year. He is also a DJ who is cooperating with international pop artists such as Lady GaGa and Rihanna. His exclusive titles are numerous.

原名Nick van de Wall,1987年出生于荷兰,电音制作人、DJ。5岁开始学钢琴,11岁时开始学习制作电音的乐器,2006年使用艺名Afrojack发行个人首支单曲,得到了许多大牌DJ的鼎力支持,使得该出道曲进入了荷兰单曲榜前60名,获得了极大的名气。同年,就创立了自己的音乐厂牌Wall Recordings。身高2米08的他,加上不凡的实力,电子音乐“巨人”是他的专属称号。

Nick van de Wall as original name, born in 1987 in the Netherlands, electronic music producer, DJ. He began to learn piano when he was 5 years old. At the age of 11, he began to learn the instrument for making electronic music. In 2006, he released his first single “In Your Face” with the stage name Afrojack. He got the support of many famous DJs, and made the debut into the Netherlands. The top 60 in the singles chart has gained him great fame. In the same year, he founded his own music label, Wall Recordings.He is 2.08 m tall,the“EDM giant”is his exclusive tag.

个人首张EP于2010年发行,与Eva Simons合作的单曲《Take Over Control》获得美国白金销量认证。也因为这首歌,他真正走进众人的视野。同年,Afrojack空降DJ Mag百大榜单第19名。从出道到此时,他仅仅用了四年的时间。

The first EP was released in 2010, and the single “Take Over Control” with Eva Simons was awarded US Platinum Certification. Because of this song, he really entered the people’s vision. In the same year, Afrojack ranked the DJ Mag 19th. From the debut to this achievement, he only spent four years.

塔叔David Guetta对他的评价也是相当的高:“Afrojack在三年内就完成了别人努力十年的职业生涯。”Afrojack一出道就受到塔叔的深厚赏识,且二人时常合作并同台演出,从2011年共同制作的单曲获得了第53届格莱美最佳非古典混音录制奖,到2017年合作的Future Bass风格获得了超高人气。

David Guetta’s evaluation of him: “Others spent 10 years to complete a career,but Afrojack only spent 3 years.” Afrojack was deeply appreciated by David Guetta when he debuted, and they often cooperated and performed on the same stage. From single “Revolver” in 2011, which won the 53rd Grammy Award for Best Non-Classical Remix Recording, and in 2017 Future Bass style won the most popularity.

Afrojack & David Guetta


It was important to get David Guetta’s promotion of his career, but his efforts and persistence have made fans supportive constantly, and he continues to make good music to the public. Every song always makes the audience into it.

Afrojack曾在采访中透露过自己梦想的导师是音乐制作人Max Martin、流行音乐人Frank Sinatra,虽然在音乐的领域各有不同,但都有着共同的特质:不单单止步于某种意义上的成功,努力去突破外界固有的看法,不断努力和进步,做出更好的作品。让我们一起相信和见证这位“巨人”在这条路上不断前进吧!11月22日,只在上海Space Plus!

Afrojack said in an interview that his dream mentor is Max Martin and Frank Sinatra. Although they are in different fields of music, they have the same qualities: Never stop in a sense of success. Effort to break through the inherent views of the world, constantly strive and progress, and make more better works. Let’s believe and witness him keep moving forward on this road! On November 22nd, only in Space Plus Shanghai!

11.22 FRI. 

Afrojack @Space Plus


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