
还记得上次的投票吗?你最想在Space Plus看到哪位DJ?

Do you remember the vote from last month?

About which DJ do you most want to see in Space Plus Shanghai.

结果显而易见,人气最相当的就是百大第一——Martin Garrix大家的一举一动我们都看在眼里,为了证明我们的用心,这次小马丁真的要来了!

The result is obviously the most popular Top 100 DJs No.1 DJ Martin Garrix.To prove our effort,he is finally really coming soon!

Space Plus上海店和长沙店,双城联动!

17岁就红遍全世界,1996年出生的他在2016年就登上DJ Mag Top 100 DJs第一名,并且蝉联三届之久。不管你喜不喜欢听电音,想必你都会知道他的名字。

At the age of 17,he already became popular all over the world who was born in 1996,and ranked number one on DJ Mag’s Top 100 DJs list for three consecutive years (2016, 2017, and 2018) .No matter you like to listen to EDM or not, you would always know his name.

年轻活力、才华横溢、个性张扬都是最适合他的标签,并使他成为最年轻的蝉联3届百大DJ No.1。在人才辈出的DJ王国荷兰,一个竞争如此激烈的国度,小马丁堪称是一个奇迹。

Young,talent and unique are the most suitable labels for him,and he has become the the youngest DJ #1 on DJ Mag for the three consecutive years.Even from the Netherlands,the kingdom of DJ,he is standing out from the most talented DJs,Martin Garrix is literally a miracle.


Unique rhythm and energetic style; sing every beat of countless people’s inner voices; constant challenge and original belief let him have a powerful and irreplaceable position in the electronic music world.


From the song which he gained fame through,to collaborate with the popular singers who are leading the trend,constantly releasing high-quality singles those are on the top of the list have been deeply buried in the blood of every EDM fan.

小马丁像病毒一般已经散布到全球的每一个角落。在Ultra、Coachella、Tomorrowland等全球顶尖音乐节时间表的最后,你总能看到Martin Garrix这几个熟悉的字眼。他已成为世界各大音乐节力争邀请的标配嘉宾,更是广大Raver们百看不腻的火热现场。

Martin Garrix has spread to every corner of the world like a virus. At the end of the set time of the top music festivals in the world such as Ultra, Coachella, Tomorrowland, you can always see the name of Martin Garrix. He has become a standard guest in the world’s major music festivals, and it is a classic scene that the Ravers are never tired of.

你准备好为他献上最疯狂的呐喊和尖叫了吗?让我们一起以最沸腾的热血迎接最震撼的现场吧!11月9日,所有的精彩,尽在上海Space Plus!

Are you ready to rave for him? Welcome the most shocking scene with the most boiling blood! On November 9th in Shanghai Space Plus!


限量100张早鸟票(280 RMB/张)将于明日18:00点

在上海Space Plus官方微信小程序发售,敬请期待!

Early bird tickets are limited to 100 

will be available at 18:00 on October 13th

In Shanghai Space Plus official WeChat applet for sell!


购票时Space Plus上海店和长沙店请按需求切换


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