

在近两年改版后,不再是女嘉宾站台等男嘉宾出场,而是男嘉宾出场后,24位女嘉宾才陆续登场;同时男嘉宾左滑和右滑,决定哪些女嘉宾更心仪。而新版女嘉宾出场的背景音乐,也就是在抖音上大火的热门单曲《Solo Dance》

而这首神曲《Solo Dance》的制作人——Martin Jensen今晚将带着他更多私藏独家曲目登陆Space Plus,让你抓住夏天的尾巴,感受Tropical House的清新~

等《Solo Dance》响起,现场秒变“相亲现场”!

擦亮眼睛,选走今晚属于你的人,让ta从此不再Solo Dance!

9.20 Fri.

Martin Jensen @Space Plus

欧洲最受瞩目House制作人 百大DJ#54

Martin Jensen,1991年出生于丹麦,是一位颜值与才华兼备的DJ、音乐制作人,2018年百大DJ #54。2016年凭借单曲“ Solo Dance ” 在电音圈一炮打响。可别以为他是刚入行的小新人,人家可拥有驻场Club超过10年的经验。

Martin Jensen was born in 1991 in Denmark,work as a dj and producer with both beauty and talent,DJMag Top 100 Djs #54 in 2018.In 2006,his single “Solo Dance”made him burst into electronic music world.And he has more than 10 years experience in night clubs.

Martin Jensen原本希望更多地担任照明工程师和设计师的幕后角色,但作为DJ,他令人不可忽视的才华让他迅速成为了一个万众瞩目的焦点,他注定为舞台而生。他说道,“我喜欢制作的音乐,就是那些能够停留在你的脑海里,迟迟不会忘记的音乐。”他的不妥协和非传统的制作风格吸引了来自世界各地的听众,并在Facebook上收获了数百万粉丝。

Martin Jensen originally wanting to take more of a ‘behind the scenes’ role as a lighting engineer and designer, but his unmistakeable talent as a DJ quickly placed him in the spotlight as a creative powerhouse,he was born for the stage.“I’m drawn to the songs that get into your head and seem to stay there. That’s the music that I love to create” says Martin Jensen whose uncompromising and unorthodox production style has garnered listeners from all over the world and racked up millions of followers on Facebook. 

你绝对想不到的是,让他展露头角的居然是在C罗荣膺2014年度FIFA金球奖的庆功宴上创作的混音,也就是他的首张单曲《Sí 》,整首歌都太魔性了,一发行就像病毒一样在网络上传播开来,掀起热潮。这首单曲也为Martin在许多拉丁国家赢得了不少人气。随后热门单曲《All I Wanna Do》突破6000万点击量的大关,巩固了他作为世界领先的热门制作人之一的地位。

Surprisingly absolutely the one made him stand out “Sí”which is His breakthrough viral track featured a sample of famous footballer Cristiano Ronaldo. It spreads like a virus on the internet, setting off a boom. This single also won a lot of popularity for Martin in many Latin countries. The following single “All I Wanna Do” broke through the 60 million hits and cemented his position as one of the world’s leading hit makers.

紧接着,随之而来的是爆火的单曲《Solo Dance》,一发行就占领各大音乐排行榜,在Spotify全球榜上空降第44名,最后该单曲居然拥有1.22亿的惊人流量,许多听众都因为这支单曲变成了他真正的粉丝。

Then he released another following single “Solo Dance” , which occupied the top of the music list as soon as it was released. With an unbelievable 122 million streams and counting on Spotify, “Solo Dance” is quickly converting new listeners to fans. 

2016年被评为全球百大DJ第82,DJ Mag评价到:这是2007年Trentemøller以来第一位丹麦艺术家。这个评价对一个DJ来说,可谓一个巨大的成就了。他继续说道:“接下来,我要征服全世界。”果然,2017年 DJ Mag百大DJ排行榜第70名,去年排到了第54!

He was also named one of DJ Mags top 100 DJs #82 in the world in 2016, the first Danish artist since Trentemøller in 2007. “It’s a massive achievement for a DJ.Says Martin Jensen,“Next I’m going to conquer the world!”As Expected,in 2017 he Ranked 70th on the DJ Mag Top 100 djs,and ranked 54th last year.

虽然产量不高但曲曲精品的Martin Jensen一直致力于创作出能够深入人心的作品,并且能够不断地给人带来向上的能量,情不自禁地就想在他的音乐里跳舞。这不就是EDM最大的魅力吗?也正如他对“Solo Dance”歌词的延伸解释一样:“It’s about going out clubbing, and that it is really only agreat night if you’ve been dancing all night long.”

Although Martin Jensen, who is not a high-make producer but high-quality, he has been working hard to create impressive works that can reach people’s hearts and can constantly bring upward energy.And people can’t help just want to dance to his music while listening. Isn’t this the biggest charm of EDM? Just as he explained the lyrics of the “Solo Dance”: “It’s about going out clubbing, and that it is really only agreat night if you’ve been dancing all night long.”

让我们共同期待9月20日晚在上海Space Plus,Martin Jensen为我们带来的精彩现场,跳舞不停歇!

Let’s look forward to the wonderful scene he gonna bring to us in Space Plus in Shanghai on September 20th. Dance not gonna stop!

9.20 Fri.

Martin Jensen @Space Plus

亲临现场 感受他的音乐魅力!

 Free Entry 


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