
9.27 Fri.


Ummet Ozcan @ Space Plus

在中国被称为“乌梅”,来自荷兰的土耳其裔制作人Ummet Ozcan可谓是“炸场之王”。2013年就进入百大DJ榜单#99,并在近年一路飙升,在2016年名列#19,在去年名列#23。多年位列百大榜单前列,是对Ummet Ozcan现场实力与歌曲制作能力的认可,更是其高人气的证明。

Ummet Ozcan, a turkish-born producer from the Netherlands, is the “king of the rave”. He entered the top 100 DJ list #99 in 2013 and has soared in recent years, ranking #19 in 2016 and #23 last year. Ranking in the top 100 list for many years is a recognition of Ummet Ozcan’s production ability, as well as proof of his popularity.

14岁接触音乐,精通各类乐器如吉他,长笛等,这让他对于音乐制作有着惊人的嗅觉和掌控力。13年进入Spinnin Records,并从此成为“S厂”主力和长期门面人物。Ummet Ozcan与R3hab,Nervo,Bassjackers,Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike,Tiesto等多位大牌多次合作,让他跻身世界一线DJ行列。

At the age of 14, he came into music world and mastered all kinds of Musical Instruments such as guitar and flute, which gave him an amazing sense and control over music production. Entered Spinnin Records in 2013, and has been the main force and long-term facade of the label since then. Ummet Ozcan has worked with R3hab, Nervo, Bassjackers, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Tiesto and others, making him one of the world’s top DJS.

2015年,Ummet Ozcan与Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike合作的年度舞池神曲《The Hum》横空出世,直到今天仍有许多DJ在音乐节上不断播放。采样自电影“华尔街之狼”的著名“捶胸”片段,成为经典现场互动动作。数万人同时捶胸低吟The Hum旋律,成为各大音乐节上的奇观之一。

In 2015, Ummet Ozcan teamed up with Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike to produce “The Hum,” The famous “chest thumping” clip from the movie “Wolf of Wall Street” has become a classic live interactive action. Tens of thousands of people beat their chests and crooned The Hum, becoming one of The wonders of The festivals.

《Melody》、《More Than You Know(Ummet Ozcan Remix)》、《Smash!》等多首现唱神曲都是出自Ummet Ozcan之手,“乌神”在全球拥有一批信仰粉丝被称为“Ozclan”,追随他从Tomorrowland到Ultra到世界各大音乐节。

Melody, More Than You Know (Ummet Ozcan Remix), Smash! and many of the top songs are from the Ummet Ozcan, who has a large group of fans around the world known as Ozclan, following him from Tomorrowland to Ultra to music festivals around the world.

如果留意Ummet Ozcan的社交媒体,你会发现他的照片并不像他的现场一样“气势恢宏”,反而更像是一个“吃斋念佛”的小清新。喜欢山水,信仰宗教,热爱各种文化,游山玩水的静谧外表下却隐藏着炸掉每个Club和音乐节的心。这样的“反差萌”也造就了乌梅音乐中的“动静结合”与多元化的文化氛围;他的歌曲,绝不只是没有营养的派对音乐那么简单,仔细听每段旋律都有故事。

If you look at Ummet Ozcan’s social media, you will see that his photos are not as “grand” as his scene, but more like a Buddhist monk. He likes mountains and rivers, believes in religions, and loves various cultures. Under the quiet appearance of sightseeing and playing with water, there is a hidden heart that blows up every club and music festival. Such “cute contrast” also creates the “dynamic combination” and diversified cultural atmosphere in music of Ummet; His songs, not just no nutrition party music . Listen carefully to every melody and it has a story.

9.27 Space Plus SH


“乌神”Top#23 Ummet Ozcan



预售 Pre Sale:150 RMB

现场 At Door:280 RMB






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