
9.7 Sat.

Dante Klein @Space Plus

荷兰新晋实力才男Dante Klein

长着一张帅气的脸蛋,爱笑的阳光大男孩,玩转Deep House/Tropical House的热带风格,小似Kygo。节奏舒缓、慵懒,听他的作品总能令人全身心放松、愉悦。

He got a lovely face,usually good at playing Deep House and Tropical House music,kind of like Kygo.Smooth and Lazy music always make people feel so great,just like what he does.

签约于电音厂牌Spinnin Records的小鲜肉Dante Klein,1995年出生的荷兰DJ、制作人。2015发行了首个作品《Ertesuppe》后,就一直活跃在大众的视线里。随后与Sam Feldt合作,为Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike、Kim Churchill等混音。16年与Cheat Codes合作经典单曲《Let Me Hold You(Turn Me On)》。

Sighed by the famous company Spinnin Records,Dante Klein was Born in 1995,Dutch DJ and Producer.With his release “Ertesuppe”in 2015,Dante Klein burst onto the scene. Collabs followed with Sam Feldt, along with remixes for Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike and Kim Churchill. In 2016,Dante released his famous “Let Me Hold You(Turn Me On)” featuring with Cheat Codes.

Dante从小就对音乐有着极大的兴趣,可以追溯到童年时期他和妹妹用过的花盆和平底锅,之后并因此得到了一架真正的钢琴,第一个作品就诞生了。在十岁的时候,他已经掌握了DJ的装备,并充满了激情。之后他效仿制作软件,并进入荷兰著名的Herman Brood音乐学院进修技能。

Dante always had an interest in everything musical, dating back to the pots and pans jam sessions he had together with his sister during childhood. Those ‘instruments’ soon gave way to a real piano and the first compositions were born. At the early age of 10 he got hold of DJ equipment and and his life’s passion was discovered. Dante soon followed suit with producer software, and then went on to finetune his skills at the renowned Herman Brood Music Academy in the Netherlands, from which he has since graduated.

Dante小时候 ↑

21岁时受到Tomorrowland音乐节的邀请,给Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike与Ne-Yo的金曲《Higher Place》进行混音。之后迅速和Sam Feldt以及Milow合作单曲《Feels Like Home》,收录在Sam Feldt的EP内,备受瞩目和好评。

When he was 21 years old,he was asked to remix “Higher Place”, the groovy # 1 Billboard dance track by Dimitri Vegas&Like Mike and Ne-Yo to performance at Tomorrowland. This was quickly followed by a brooding collaboration with Sam Feldt & Belgian singer Milow, “Feels Like Home”, which became the focus track of Feldt’s EP. 

之前Dante还来中国参加过音乐节 ↑

紧接着,2016年与知名的LA DJ组合Cheat Codes合作当年的夏日神曲《Let Me Hold You(Turn Me On)》,并成为舞池的中流砥柱。该单曲一发行当月就迅速在Spotify上收获两千万的点阅量,全球排名第29,热度保持最后点击量突破九千万,达到了Spotify全球第21的位置。

All this has led to the biggest release to date – “Let Me Hold You (Turn Me On)”which is a dance floor mainstay, on its way to becoming THE European summer anthem of 2016.It had been secretly gaining global traction on Spotify as an ID track, with more than 2.000.000 streams.The track keeps on going strong,a number 21 position with 88 million streams on the Spotify Global charts by the end of that month. 

相信在不久的将来,他会大放光彩,成为电音界的又一颗启明星!9月7日,让我们一起去感受他的House!Space Plus现场见!

The future is not limited for him,he’s gonna break all the walls to be another superstar in the electronic music world.See you in Space Plus by then!

9.7 Sat. 

Dante Klein @Space Plus

周末一起 享受视觉听觉的福利!

 Free Entry 


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